Sustainability Reports

Communication with stakeholders takes several different forms, and MilDef uses methods including surveys, individual and group discussions, digital information, and contact with various industry and professional associations to reach more of its stakeholders.

Sustainability-related information is communicated on an ongoing basis via the Group’s website, press releases and social media, as well as through the intranet and other internal channels. Internal and external communication is evaluated on an ongoing basis to maximize its reach and to ensure that the Company is reaching out to the right stakeholders.

External communication is managed by the Head of IR & Communications, and there are procedures in place to ensure compliance with any applicable requirements (insider trading, confidentiality, security classification, etc.). MilDef maintains ongoing dialogue with both external and internal stakeholders, for example via news items, meetings, training and feedback on the Company’s sustainability efforts.

Other reports can be found here:

Quarterly reports & Presentations – MilDef Investors

Annual reports – MilDef Investors